Monday, April 22, 2013

Graham is 9 months

It has been so long since I last blogged that I actually forgot the website and how to sign in...Crazy, right?
Anyways...Graham you are 9 months!!! 9 MONTHS!!! I can't believe how fats this is going.  You are simply wonderful. You are the sweetest, happiest, most loving little boy ever! You literally brighten my day!
1. You LOVE to climb and climb on everything. It is actually pretty dangerous and my heart has pitter pattered a few times this week.
2. You LOVE LOVE LOVE Ashtyn. You follow her any where, you let her play dress up with you and you let her steal toys. I know you two will be the best of friends!
3. You completely bypassed baby food and went straight to table food. You eat soooooo much and constantly! I can't keep up! It is amazing I am not skinnier between you and Miss A eating habits. Oh well..ha! You love to eat cheerios, yogurt chips, cheese puffs, sweet potato puffs, chicken, cheese, noodles, carrots and really anything you can get your little, sticky fingers on.
4. You weigh 16 pounds!
5. You are wearing an arrangement of still fit in size 3 month clothes but can also wear some size 12 months shirts or rompers. As far as shorts go you are wearing 3 itty bitty. you wear a size 2 diaper and size 2 shoe.
6. You take 2 naps during the day about 2 1/2 hours after you wake up in the morning and then again about 2 1/2 hours after that.
7. You are still waking up about 2 times in the night, but nurse and go right back to bed. You generally wake up about 8 am.
8. You are still nursing, but will take a bottle on occasion.
9. You LOVE to wave.
10. You love to laugh.
11. You love to move and dance to music.
12. You love Mickey Mouse!
13. You can stand for periods of time. You will be walking very soon.
I love you so much and can't imagine life with out you in it. Happy 9 Months baby boy.

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