Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Ashtyn is funny. Ashtyn is smart. 28 1/2 Months Old.

Ashtyn got a big girl bed. She is doing ok. We are doing ok. The same routine seems to play out every night around 4 am. I have to admit I love having my snuggle buddy. She has gotten quite a bit snugglier over the year.
She is so funny. She is so smart. I find myself angry that I am not blogging better cause she is quite remarkable and I want to capture every single moment..Thats impossible...right? If only I could install cameras in our house. And actually thats not a bad idea cause the minute the camera turns on, she goes limp...Yeah try catching her ABC's or Beauty and the Beast reenactments...or even just a still shot for that matter.
A few of her fav sayings right now:
1. Swiper no swipey. She says this for everything!!! Even when I try to take away her dinner before she is done..ha!
2. Nothing or too much. She says this when she doesn't want something....this girl it TOO MUCH.
Funny Funny girl!
Just skip over this part, unless you are a grandparent or aunt...By the way..Miss A knows all her letter and shapes and colors and can count to 16. I know it totally sounds like bragging, but really it is just for our records.
You are 28 1/2 months and seriously going on 5.  Did I say 5...I meant 25..ha! You have sass, spunk and spirit. You love to play toys. You love to play performing. I can always find you lining up your princess figurines and putting on shows for them. You sing along to everything and even repeat lines from your favorite movies and tv shows. You love your brother sooooo much. You are constantly rubbing his head, patting his back and loving on him. I love you so much and could write about you for hours. You love on me constantly and kiss my face so sweetly. I am obsessed with you!

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