Monday, April 22, 2013

Graham is 8 Months

You are 8 months Oh My Oh My! You are the sweetest most loving little boy. You make my heart melt.
1. You are wearing size 6 months, but still fit in size 3-6 months and sometiimes 9 months...ha!
2. You wear a size 2 diaper.
3. You wear a size 2 shoe ( a little big).
4. You are alway smiling and love to laugh!
5. You wave!!!
6. You love to stand and try to walk all the time.
7. You crawl everywhere and love to crawl with Ashtyn.
8. You LOVE playing with Ashtyn.
9. You eat Pears, cheerios, carrots, and sweet potatoes. Your favs are pears and cheerios.
10. You are finally taking a bottle but still mainly nurse.

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