Okay...so it has been a while since I last wrote and mainly because I have been super busy and really haven't had much to say. My family would probably beg to differ on the not much to say part....Ha! This will probably be a long post, so good luck at making it to the end. And really I am talking to you Mom, Kristy, Jess and Kara. At this point I am pretty sure you are the only 4 would read my blog...Ha!
Thursday night Jeremy left for a Matlock Men Retreat. His brother's flew out from TX and they all went up to the mountains for a few days to relax and spend time together. Since I hate being alone, my mom came to stay with me! It was fun! She is the best mom and I am so thankful for all that she does for me. Thanks Mom! I think they are going to make this an annual event, so once a year, it's you and me and a slumber party!
Mother's day weekend started out with a mother/daughter brunch at our church. My mom, sister and mother in law all came. It was a lot of fun! I didn't know what to expect but was pleasantly surprised. The men cooked us breakfast and there was entertainment and a raffle. No, I didn't win! I never win! Oh well. Ashtyn and I wore matching dresses. I had bought a dress form H&M about 2 years ago ( the hoarder I am , I still have the dress) and recently H&M made the same dress in baby girl size! Good thing I am a hoarder, ha!I was so excited to match.I know someday it just won't be cool..so I need to take advantage of this while I can. My sister actually has a matching dress too, but she did not wear hers. Boo!
My baby and me!
Judi and my mom....2 amazing women!
Are you talking to me?
After the brunch at church. Ashytn and I met up with Jeremy and his family at his parents house. His brothers from TX were leaving, so before they left we wanted to have a mother's day lunch. I really like Jeremy's family and wish we had more time together. I especially wish his brother's wives were out here too! It was nice to see Jeremy. He was only gone for a few days...but boy did we miss him!
Later on Saturday Jeremy and I went over to his brother's house to meet up with some old friends from college. They are missionaries in Germany and are in California for a few months. I had never met them, so it was a nice time getting to know their family. Kristy was an awesome hostess as always. Thank you for sharing your house! Jeremy and I are somewhat interested in Germany. I know, crazy right, coming from the girl who didn't want to go away far for college. I am sure I will have a phone call from my mom..don't worry! It will be awhile, if at all!
Back to mother's day.....
Sunday morning I woke up to my amazing husband and gorgeous little girl. They brought me breakfast in bed ( coffee) and a few presents. I am sure loved! Ashtyn was precious..It was as if she knew what the day was. We then went to church and listened to Jeremy preach! I am such a proud wife! Ashtyn slept through the sermon, as always! After church we ate lunch, cleaned our house( YES, CLEANED OUR HOUSE..we had a friend coming by to look at re tiling our bathroom, and our house was messy) and went to my mom's to BBQ! It was such a special day and I had so much fun honoring the amazing women in my life and at the same time being honored. Again....my favorite holiday.
We also celebrated Ashtyn's 4 month birthday. She is technically 4 months on the 9th, but I wanted everyone to be able to enjoy the cake. She was really cranky and sooo tired. We only got a few pictures. Oh well, it is a memory!
Should I touch it?
Yup...I touched it!
And now I'll eat it.....ha! She is grabbing at everything!
This was the best picture we could get..I keep thinking someday
we will get a decent family picture....
Mother's day night was one of the worst nights we have had with Ashtyn sleeping. She never went to bed. I mean, NEVER! Finally at 6 am she feel asleep. Jer and I were up taking turns holding her. We were and are still exhausted! She has done better since. My heart goes out to the poor moms and dads who have nights like this regularly. I don't know how you do it!we will get a decent family picture....
Oh and just so you know..it is my first mother's day with Ashtyn Layne. Last year Jeremy and I knew I was pregnant, but had not told anyone yet...I wanted to shout it from the roof tops. In fact at church they were handing out flowers to all the moms and I wanted one so bad...That's okay I lived it up this year!
Finally, I wanted to say how appreciative I am to all of you who wished me Happy Mother's Day. I received so many cards, gifts, and kind words. It was an amazing way to spend the holiday.If I haven't said it enough...I am BLESSED!
I will post more pictures from mother's day when I get them....
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