Monday, May 2, 2011

Lazy Sunday

Today was a nice lazy Sunday. Ashtyn and I made it to church, just a little late, we are getting so much better at this. Just think someday we might be there on time! Jeremy preached and Ashtyn got a little fussy, so I walked around in the back. I am just not ready to leave her in the nursery yet. I am sure there are some people who find this annoying, but i just don't care. That doesn't sound very pastor wifeish...but Oh well! After church we ate lunch at our favorite restaurant and then decided to walk around the Lemon Festival. Ashtyn loves to be outside and social. She has such better days when we are moving and out. My little social butterfly. ( We generally have good days, but even better days when we are busy). After the Lemon Festival we went home and got lazy. Jeremy took a nap first and I fed Ash. She soon fell asleep, and it was just me. Jeremy and I switch off taking naps so someone can watch Ash. I can't wait until she is old enough to cuddle with us on the couch and we can all nap together...someday!Jer and Ash on the couch

It was sooo warm in our house...We let Ash wear just a diaper.
This girl loves to be naked...HA!

Playtime...Happy Naked Girl (this could someday be a problem)

When it was my turn to nap, I couldn't sleep. I hate that feeling. I was trying so hard to fall asleep, but nothing.Side Note: Jeremy and I had just bought new blankets... and oh it is heavenly. Ashtyn's favorite baby blanket comes in adult sizes, so we all got one! Mine came in on Friday and I was going to wait until my birthday ( July 25, along time away) to open it. But my darling husband said, "No..why don't you open it now." You don't have to tell me twice! I was so excited and ripped open the package to plush, yummy goodness. I LOVE blankets! Anyways, great blanket, no I cuddled with it on the couch instead. Jeremy eventually joined me and we put Ash on her playmate to play. The playmate is behind our ottoman, so we can't see her, but we can hear her. She makes soooo much noise lately, it is hilarious! It is almost like she is singing. We were watching tv and it got quiet so I looked down and this is what I saw...
The little wiggle worm inched herself right off the play mate and was staring right at us. It startled me at first. She is such a hoot!

She thinks she is soo funny...

Oh and she loves loves loves to watch TV! (most the time we put her on her playmate she turns herslf around to face the tv...or will watch it upside is so funny!)

I am going to try and figure out how to upload a video of Ash singing. She talks and sings all day long. I love it! American Idol here we come... To end, the night we went over to my moms to visit with my grandparents. They had come down for dessert and baby fixes. 2 great things! I love having impromptu get togethers and I love my grandparents! It is amazing last year my grandma was diagnosed with cancer and giving about 6 months to live. Today she is cancer free and so strong! She just went in for check up and the doctors saw NO TRACE OF CANCER! They were in agreement that this is not normal and a miracle. Oh God is sooo good!Ashtyn does not look impressed, but don't let it fool you
she LOVES her great grandma!

Ash, great grandma and Jace ( I love her little facial expression)

I just wanted to end with a picture of my cutie patootie! I love this girl more than words can express. This is her in her bouncer watching signing time. She was content for a few minutes, but then realized she wanted out and was going to do it herslef! HA!
Got to love her strong will.....

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