Saturday, April 30, 2011

Lemon Festival

Tonight we went to the Lemon Festival in downtown Upland. I have never been before and really didn't know what to expect. It is like a mini fair! I met my family at their house and we dove together. However parking is insane, so we parked really far and walked a good distance. When we finally got to the Lemon Festival, Lemon Idol was starting. it is basically just like it sounds... So we watched a little of Lemon Idol and then walked around a bit.
Ashtyn fell asleep on the walk to the festival

Jess, Jace and I watching the singers ( while Ashtyn sleeps)

Ashtyn was asleep for the first 25 mins.
She finally woke up while we were watching Lemon Idol

My mom and Ash ( she looks so happy..HA!)

I love her little smile here

She is now saying take me out of here..I want to play too!

So I took her out.....and we took some pictures!

And more...

Jess and Jace (I loved his little outfit)

It was soooo crowded and with lots of teenagers....I have nothing against teenagers, but it makes me sad to think someday Ashtyn will be that age....Jess and I kept saying we are going to move to a small town and keep our babies to ourselves. They can be friends with each other and us! I know I know..parents of the year! Ha! Ashtyn, Jace, Sean, and my mom all had started to get a cold and weren't feeling well.So we decided to eat dinner and go home. Jeremy then met us for dinner at a little Mexican restaurant. He had to park at Western and walk was that crowded. Dinner was good. Lately, when we go out to eat I always want what everyone else gets. Luckily for me Sean liked mine better and traded. I don't know what my deal is..I should just she what everyone else is ordering and then copy them. Ha! Thanks Sean!
Ashtyn and my mom waiting for our food.

Then had to walk back to our car that was parked so far away and it was cold and late...Ashtyn was a trooper considering she wasn't feeling well. All in all a wonderful night with wonderful people!
On our walk back to the car. It was cold so we all threw on our extra clothes
around Ash, So styling!

Highlights from the last couple of days.....
1. Bought 4 pairs of Guess Jeans from Nordstsom for Ashtyn all size 9-18 months for about $10 each...That's insane to me! So cheap.....
2. Ashtyn learned how to pull the music toy on her bouncer seat. I love hearing that noise as I am cleaning around the house.
So happy..listening to the music

Mommy I did it! Got to love this face!

3. I made my first flower hat! It is sooo cute! I think I am going to start a store on Etsy, but I need to talk to Kara ( my BFF, cousin, most creative girl I know) for help.
4. Hanging out with my sister like 4 out of the 5 days this week ( and as she pointed out eating 2 meals together a day). She is also my BFF and a wonderful mommy! I am so glad you moved closer Jess.
5. Gymboree day 2 with Jace. Jess was sic so Jeremy, my mom and I took him. It was fun and people thought they were twins...I love it!
Parachute time

and tummy time....
more tummy time....
.......and more! If you look closely it looks like they are holding hands.
They are going to be best friend!

Our spring break is to an end, and I am sad! It was so nice to all be home these past couple of days....
Goodbye Spring Break
See You next Year!

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