Monday, February 18, 2013

Graham is 4 Months

You are now 4 months old and growing like a weed...what a weird saying, but are growing so quickly and I just wish I could stop time.

1. You are wearing 3-6 months clothes and Size 1 shoes.
2. You are wearing size 1 diapers.
3. You eat about every 2/3 hours.
4. You sleep though the night, although lately have been up every hour. ( I am hoping it is because you have a cold or are going through a growth spurt)
5. You love watching the God Made Families video.
6. You can hold your head up and are very sturdy.
7. You are soooo strong and prefer to stand on my lap..ha!
8. You roll over and love tummy time.
9. You are starting to play with toys and went in the exersaucer f or the first time.
10. You love your sister sooooo much and smile so big when you see her.
11. You hardly ever cry, except you love to be held and would prefer that all day long.

I don't know your stats , but we have a doctors appt. next week.

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