Friday, September 9, 2011

7 months I am so far behind...but better late then never, right! I think i have started each post like that for the last 5 posts...ha! Anyways, this is just a way for me to remember my sweet Ashtyn, so it doesn't really matter, right? I am clearly fishing for compliments....
Okay Ashtyn so you are 8 months today, but I never wrote about your 7 month here's to 7 months.....8 months soon to follow, I promise!

You are such a big girl! I know I say it every month, but you really are growing up too fast! Just STOP! ha! You are standing on your own! Can you believe it! You are such a daredevil and so persistent. If you fall you will try try again. You love to walk around our furniture and stand at the ottoman. You also love to crawl! You can crawl so quickly and have discovered the different rooms in our house. When you hear my voice ( usually while I am getting ready in the bathroom) you will crawl to me ( I love that you know my voice)! You love music and Baby Signing Time videos. Whenever they come on you light up! You are eating so much better these days and love pears, sweet potatoes, bananas, apples, oatmeal, apple juice, and the little cheese puffs grandma gives you ( but mommy doesn't like). You are wearing size 3 diapers and 6-9 month clothes. You still have a few pjs that are 0-3 that fit you. It is time to put them away, but you look so cute and they still fit. I recently packed away all your clothes from newborn to about 6 months. It was long overdue, but it was something that was needed..tear tear! I hope you have a have the sweetest clothes! You love to sing and will sing all the time. I love your little voice. When we play together, you interact in such a way that I know you understand what is going on. I love it! The other day we were playing peek-a-boo in your crib and I was hiding behind your bows and you crawled up right behind the bow on the other side and was peeking over at me....and giggling. It melted my heart. Okay..this post is getting very long, this is what happens when you take 4 weeks off...ha! It doesn't really matter, no one reads this except me...Last time we weighed you you were 17 pounds and I don't know how many inches..... You sleep through the night from about 9:30pm to 6 am....lately you have been sleeping the morning with me in our bed and I love it! I love you soooo much and wish I could videotape every second of your life. If only TLC would offer me a reality show..ha!

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