Tuesday, April 19, 2011

You are now 2 months old! Oh my how time is going so fast. You have only been here for about 8 weeks, but I honestly can't remember life before you! Daddy says that you are now my favorite, I love daddy very much too, but you are definitely my FAVORITE girl! We decided to have 2 month family pictures taken. You were so funny. You are all smiles all the time, but the minute the girl pulled out the camera you would become so serious faced! It was cracking me up..like you knew what we were trying to do. What a personality! We did get a few smiley pictures...You are so stinking cute! You are smiling and talking so much!! I must have 5 people a day tell me how amazed they are at how advanced you are. I am such a proud momma! You have started to really grab at your toys. You will lay on your activity mat and grab the little rings. You are also starting to drool. Your hands are constantly in your mouth. You are sleeping pretty much through the night ( 11- 6:30) Mommy and Daddy are so happy!

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