Monday, July 28, 2014

3 Months

Claire you are 3 months old! I absolutely love this stage.  yes, I am tired and weary, but boy do these days go fast.  so I am going to try and enjoy every second I can.
Here are your stats:
1. You weigh 12 pounds.
2. You are wearing 0-3 months clothes and very little 3-6 months ( it is big on you but works)
3. You sleep through the night!!! YAHOO!
4. You take 2 short naps through out the day ( I will be starting a schedule soon)
5. You LOVE LOVE LOVE bath time!!! You would play and splash for hours if we let you. Getting out of the bath is a differ story however. You SCREAM SCREAM SCREAM.
6. You are wearing size 1 diapers.
7. You can hold your head up.
8. You enjoy tummy time.
9. You are always smiling and laughing. Everyone always comments on how you are the happiest and sweetest baby.
10. You let anyone hold you.
11. You talk a lot!!!
12. You like to mimic sounds.
13. You adore your sister and brother and they adore you!
 You are truly the sweetest baby ever. We are complimented over and over. People fall in love with you  and are constantly saying< "it makes me want another." We are blessed to call you ours.

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