Sunday, April 27, 2014

Claire Adelle

Claire Adellee was born on March 28, 2014 at 10:30 am. She was by far my EASIEST birth and came 1 week early. On March 27, I went to the doctor for my 39 week appointment. He told me I was dilated 2 cm and was ready to have this baby. I was thrilled to be dilated because with A & G, I had a hard time dilating. I had been having contractions on and off all day and knew this baby was coming soon. On the way home I told Jeremy i was pretty sure we were going to go to the hospital that night. When we got home we ate dinner with my parents, put the kids to bed and left for the hospital around 10 pm. I was admitted at 1:00 am and at 4:00 am got my epidural. I was very nervous because my body  did not hold anesthesia with the other 2 deliveries. The anesthesiologist gave me a very strong epidural, so my legs were completely dead (this is important). The epidural made me very sick, but a very small price to pay for feeling no pain. At 8:30 Jeremy went to the cafeteria with our friend Nicole (who was there to take pictures for us). At that time the doctor came in and asked if they could break my water (it was ready to break) I was dilated to 4 cm. At 10:15 the nurse came in to check me because they kept losing the baby on the monitors, which she said was common when dilated at 10cm. She checked me and I was 10 cm and very ready. We did one practice push and had to stop cause I was a good pusher (pushed out the catheter) and they needed to call my doctor. My legs were still very numb. While the nurse was calling the doctor I got sick and another nurse came into to check me again cause the lost the baby on the monitor for a second time. When they pulled up the sheet to check me, the baby's head was out! Yup..we were all surprised. Little Miss decided to come on her own. My legs were so numb, I had no idea. At 10:30 am Claire Adellee welcomed herself into the world. She was perfect, healthy and the most beautiful little girl.

A few important facts about Claire Adellee's birth:

1. We did not know the gender of the baby until she was born...SO FUN!!!

2. We had 2 girl names and 1 boy name ready to go. We knew the middle name would be Adellee (pronounce Ada-lee) after her great grandmothers. We also had 3 life verses ready for each name. As soon as I saw her Claire was the first name that came to me. Her life verse is Matthew 5:16.

3. Claire weighed 7 lbs., was 19 in. and was born at 10:30 am.

4. No one was at the hospital yet, in fact Jeremy had just started calling everyone to tell them I was gong to start pushing..ha! We waited to announce the name and gender until everyone got there.

5. Ashtyn and Graham were not allowed to see Claire because the flu was bad this year. This makes me soooo sad, but oh well there is nothing that could of been done.

6. Jeremy and I were the ONLY PEOPLE in the maternity ward the entire weekend. We had a lot of special treatment and attention.

7. We stayed in the hospital for 3 days and I am pretty sure they were sad to see us go. 
I feel so blessed to be the mommy of 3 beautiful, sweet little babies. My heart is full and I am grateful.

1 comment:

  1. Omg love birth stories!!! Welcome back and to the wonderful world of 3 babies...also those window pics are soooo precious (and priceless!!!). Gorgeous little girl and gorgeous name!!
