Friday, November 16, 2012

Halloween 2012

 We had such a fun Halloween this year. It was Graham's first Halloween and the first time Miss A really understood what was happening. After the first house she got the hang of it and would run form house to house.  She would ring the doorbell and then say, "treat" and thank you. She was such a sweet girl. Graham was equally as sweet as Mickey Mouse. He was so goo d the entire time. He never cried and actually fell asleep for a little bit.  I was a little nervous Miss A would think everyday was Halloween, but the next morning she woke up and never even asked about her candy. YEAH! We had a bit of a  meltdown trying to take her sucker away from her Halloween Night. It was a great night celebrating with family and hanging out. I adore my family and am so grateful we were able to get together.

Side note: Leading up to Halloween Miss A wanted nothing to do with her costume! I had visions of not trick or treating at all. Well, we got it on her...but oh was it a struggle. Ha! Once it was on, Miss A was fine! She did not let us take any pictures...but oh well....we did what we could.
Funny Story: The second house we visited Miss A stuck her hand in the candy bowl and helped herselef to an extra piece of candy when the man was not looking...We all laughed. The innocence of a child. She also walked into the third house and wanted to stay. Our neighbors are very sweet and LOVED her and Graham.

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