Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Lions and Tigers and Bears...Oh my! Well not really...

So excited to be at the zoo!

This girl loves....


Water!! Got to stay hydrated while walking around the zoo! ha!

Mommy and Ashtyn

The zoo makes us sleepy...

Love her face soooo much..I could just kiss it forever!

Jess and me

So excited to see meerkats...ha!

Double Trouble... everyone thought they were twins...ha!

On Sunday, after church, we went to the LA zoo. It was Jessica's actual birthday and she wanted to spend her day there. Overall we had a great time together, but the zoo was a little disappointing. There were seriously NO animals! Okay I take that back there were a few meerkats..Ha! I should of known when they had signs posted that said, There is no guarantee of seeing animals...Ha Ha! Oh well...Ashtyn and Jace were too cute and honestly had no clue there were no animals!
Side note: Sean and I rode in the back back seat of my car..I don't care what the Highlander says...they can not fit 7 people comfortably! That seat is the smallest seat in the world..Don't get me wrong I LOVE my Highlander, but in the front seat! Needless to say I was crazy car sick the whole day! SEan was a trooper too!

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