Monday, May 16, 2011

My Little Miss is 4 Months

You are 4 months old!!!! (and I am late at writing this May 9th you turned 4 months) however I feel if I am consistently late..then time wise it just works..make sense? It does in my mind....Ha!
You are becoming such an independent little miss. It makes me happy, but at the same time am so sad. We went to the doctor and you weigh 13lbs. 3 oz. and are 24 in. That is about the 45 percentile. Such a peanut! You had your round of 4 months shots and did so well. You are still exclusively nursed and eat about 4-5 oz. each bottle. You are wearing size 1 diaper. In clothes you are wearing size 0-3 or 3-6 although sometimes I put on a 6 month carters outfit...but you swim in it! Your biggest accomplishment is that you are rolling over! You love to roll over and especially like it when we clap for you ( you learned that at Gymboree, not from me, although I am sure your grandma and dad would say different). You are talking and signing so much. It is so fun to watch you play and interact with all your toys. You are such a happy baby and love to be around people! You are definitely a social butterfly.Your sleep pattern has changed and you are not sleeping through the night anymore. In fact, for the last week you have woken up at 3 am and are ready to start your day. It's as if you just have so much to do and no time to sleep....Hopefully on your 5 month post I will be talking about sleeping through the night....Ha! However your naps have improved and you sleep for about 2 hours at a time 2 times a day. Mommy and daddy love you sooo much Ashtyn! I have loved every minute of these past 4 months..even the sleepless nights! You are more than I ever dreamed of and I am truly blessed!

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