Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A Long, busy day...

Today was just one of those days that there isn't enough time! We were literally running form one thing to the next. Ashtyn is such a good little traveler and makes running errands pretty easy. I hope she is always this way! Life at our house right now is kinda crazy! The city decided to add a sidewalk to our street, which means our driveway is out of commission...It has been raining the past couple of days which means construction has stopped!! Parking across the street and walking through muddy trenches is becoming our norm...BOO! As if this wasn't enough we also decided to remodel our bathroom. It is going to be beautiful....and we are so blessed because we have a wonderful friend from church who is doing all the remodeling for us....It is just difficult to be out of a bathroom..In fact we are going to go stay with Jeremy's parents for the next couple of days because this is all becoming a little to much to handle...Pioneer Woman I am not!
Our beautiful bathroom floor..I wish I would have taken a before and after me!

Moving on....
Walmart ( for new PJ's for Ash, believe it or not, size 3-6 months PJ's are something she lacks), naps, feeding, lunch, meeting at work, feeding......
And then....GYMBOREE!
However on the way to Gymboree ( from my mom's house it takes about a minute to get there)Ashtyn fell asleep....I was so bummed and wanted to wake her up so bad. But last time we woke her up for Gymboree she didn't do too well! And she still isn't sleeping at night, so I want her to nap as much as she can. She slept for about 30 of the 45 minute class...Ha! Oh well!! It was a music themed I had fun playing with Jace and Trenton. We have been having really good discussion times during class....It is so humbling talking about struggles we face! Just when I feel like I am getting this parenting's like Ah...No....Ha! I am thankful for Gymboree and the friendships we are making....Moms need other moms to encourage and uplift!
Ashtyn sleeping

She finally woke up!!! YEAH! And we played....

Love love love these two....

She grabbed the toy! She grabbed the toy!

Okay moving on...
Family Dinner at my mom's house. She made an amazing pot roast dinner ( with a can of soda added to the roast, my idea). However did I really have time to enjoy it..NO...because I had to be at our next appointment within 20 minutes..So I inhaled my dinner...I barely tasted it...but I am pretty sure it was amazing!
Last thing of the night...
Our church had asked me to teach a gymnastics class to 5th and 6th grade are right if you are thinking I didn't know Krista did gymnastics... cause I DON'T! I just don't know how to say no.....Ha! All in all, I held my own. I ended up basically teaching a dance class ( which that I can do).
Okay really the last thing of the night...
Jeremy had a meeting ( at our house) with the worship pastor. They were going over things for this Sunday's service. While they did this I bathed Ashtyn and finally finished her 4 month post..I know, I know mom..I am 10 days late!
Life is busy......Today I hardly found time to breath.....However, we survived! I know I say it often but I wouldn't trade a thing....I love our busy life! I am blessed beyond words.... I am off to bed....To lay my head and count my blessings!
Okay cheesy rhymes..I have been listening to one to many kids songs today...ha!

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